Physical Education
The PE programme at Pinehurst Primary School promotes positive attitudes towards an active, healthy lifestyle. Pupils learn to manage success and failure in co-operative and competitive situations and develop their skills in teamwork, communication and collaboration.
Our PE programme of study provides a wide range of activities for pupils in all year groups including athletics, dance and gymnastics and team games. Pupils in EYFS and KS1 will work on fundamental movement skills, balance, agility and co-ordination. In KS2 children are introduced to simplified versions of team games such as football, tag-rugby, netball, cricket, rounders and athletics. KS2 children will also have the chance to participate in weekly swimming lessons.
Our PE offer at Pinehurst Primary School provides opportunities for inter and intra school competitions, sports days, extra-curricular sports clubs and specialist sport tuition from outside agencies such as the LFC foundation and LSSP (Liverpool School Sports Partnership). As a 'healthy school' we aim to deliver two-hours of PE teaching per week and link our work in PE to PSHE and our food and nutrition lessons so children begin to cultivate an active, healthy lifestyle.
Leading PE at Pinehurst Primary School is: Mr K Farrell and Miss F Caskey