
English skills are taught in daily English lessons at both Key Stages. The focus is on the teaching of reading and writing with opportunities for children to listen and speak in many different situations across the curriculum. To make writing purposeful and interesting and develop and enhance opportunities to write and learn in different areas of the curriculum.
The enjoyment of books and a love of reading are fostered from the early stages of their education. The children have access to a range of books so that reading skills can progress.
We begin the teaching of phonics at the beginning of the Foundation stage. This gives the children confidence to attempt writing of their own and as they progress through the school these early strategies help them develop into fluent and confident readers and writers.
In class, reading is taught primarily through a shared reading approach in which the class share a book or extract of test together and are supported by the teacher to improve their vocabularly and comprehension skills.
Drama and role-play allow the children to explore their own feelings, develop speaking and listening skills and learn about the world around them.
In Key stage 2, children study a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts, they use different genres for writing and are taught to draft and re-draft before producing their final piece of work. High expectations in correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence formation are emphasised.

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