EAL: English as an Additional Language

At Pinehurst Primary School we aim to meet all the needs of the children who are learning English as an additional language.

We value and welcome the cultural, linguistic and educational experiences that pupils with EAL bring to the school. Our aim is to help pupils become confident and fluent in speaking, listening, reading and writing in the English language in order to fulfil their academic potential.

Our EAL learners come from very diverse backgrounds. Some arrive seeking asylum, whilst others follow families coming to the UK as economic migrants or for other reasons.

EAL learners also include those who were born in the UK speaking a language other than English. When a new pupil arrives in the school, they are settled into their new class and carefully guided through their first days as sometimes this can be quite daunting.

We match them with a 'buddy' who speaks their home language, wherever possible.



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