Our children are encouraged and helped to develop a positive attitude to mathematics from their earliest days in school and beyond. Through exploration of mathematical concepts in the Early Years to daily Maths teaching as well as dedicated 'basic skills' sessions in the Primary phase- we aim to develop mathematical fluency within our children.
To support the teaching and learning of Mathematics at Pinehurst Primary School we use an adapted version of the 'Maths No Problem' approach. In our Maths lessons we begin each day with an exploration task, supported with concrete resources such as place value counters, blocks, numicon or Base 10. The children are encouraged to lead the discussion, sharing ideas with their classmates about how to approach and solve the task. The children 'journal' their thinking showing different methods and ideas they could use. Following this the children will complete some guided tasks with their teacher before tackling an independent task based on the day's learning.
In Mathematics we encourage all children to make connections between all aspects of their learning, we use our knowledge of shape, space in Art and DT. In cookery lessons we apply our knowledge of mass and weight and in Science lessons we track data, take careful measurements and create graphs. We aim to provide real-world examples and context for all of our mathematics teaching to give purpose and meaning to each lesson for example, learning numbers above a million in relation to the cost of football players or showing how counting time in miliseconds is crucial in Olympic races.
Leading Mathematics at Pinehurst Primary School is: Mr A Timms and Miss E Goodwin