Year 1: Cherry and Elm 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Year 1
Mrs Kirby is our teacher in Cherry class
Mrs Rimmer is our teacher in Elm class
Mrs Zeverona, Miss Wade, and Miss Hamilton work with us in Year 1.
In Year 1 at Pinehurst we Experience, Excel and Enjoy.
Life in Year 1
The children in Year 1 are looking forward to a great year of learning.
We have a focused session on Reading, Writing, Maths and Phonics each day. We also enjoy lots of opportunities to learn about Science, Computing, Spanish, History, Geography, RE, Art, DT and Music.
Both Elm and Cherry classes have PE on a Thursday afternoon. Your child will need to come into school already in their PE kit. This consists of a yellow Pinehurst t-shirt, navy shorts and a pair of black pumps or trainers.
Our Curriculum
At Pinehurst Primary School, we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that provides the children with opportunities to Experience, Excel and Enjoy. We aim to foster a lifelong love of learning, through delivery a twenty first century education. A cross-curricular approach to learning encourages the children to be independent, reflective learners and responsible citizens. We work closely with parents to support children’s learning.
English and Maths skills that we will be developing in Year 1
We follow a quality text based approach to English to support our writing activities. This term, our quality texts are:
- Lost in the Toy Museum
- Traction Man
In Maths we follow 'Maths No-Problem'. Our topics this term are;
- Subtraction to 10.
- Positional Language
- Numbers to 20.
The Wider Curriculum in Year 1
This term our topics include:
Science: Everyday Materials.
History: Toys.
DT: Moving Pictures.
PE: Games.
RE: How and why do we celebrate special and sacred times?
PSHE: Being me in my world.
MFL: Self, family and friends.
Count to 10.
Please see our Curriculum news at the bottom of the page for more information.
It will be a busy and fun filled year of learning.
How can I help and support my child at school?
Please read with your child at home as much as you can and record their reading in the Home Reading Diary.
Please ensure that your child brings their bookbag to school everyday.
Homework in Year 1:

Homework is set on a Wednesday either on Class Dojo or by paper exercise, and should be handed in by the following Wednesday.
Homework will include, Reading, Handwriting/Spelling and Maths.
It would be helpful if you and your child were logged onto Class Dojo. - Children's log in details can be found in the front of their reading logs. Please contact your child's class teacher if you are having difficulty with accessing Class Dojo.
ElmTree Dojo link:
Cherry Tree Dojo link:
Please contact your child's class teacher if you are having difficulty accessing Class Dojo.
Home Reading

Home reading every day is important.
Books will be changed once read and re-read two times.
We encourage children to read their home reading book three times.
The first read should focus on their phonetic decoding.
The second read should improve their fluency for reading.
The third read your child should be able to comprehend the story. There are questions at the back to support this
Please complete your child’s reading record every time they read at home and return this with their books. - Children are rewared with Class Dojos points for their reading at home.

Please keep updated on Class Dojo for online learning, and class/year group updates. Each child has their own QR code login.
Any problems,please inform your class teacher.
Key Websites your child can use to support their learning in Year 1:
Below are websites to support your child's learning at home.
- RWI - Information for parents
- Spelling Shed - Each child has their own log in
- Read Liverpool
- Suggested reading list books for Year 1 pupils age 5-6
- 50 Recommended Reads for Year 1 (5-6 Year olds)
- Oxford Owl - E-Books (Year 1 to access ages 5-6 years. Follow the instructions on the website to register for free.) - Each child has their own log in.
- Dyslexia-friendly books for KS1 (age 5-7)
- Maths No Problem - What is Maths Mastery?
- Numbots - Each child has their own log in.
- Cricket Web - Interactive Games
- Bitesize
- White Rose Maths - Home Learning Year 1
- Top Marks - Interactive Games
- Number Jacks
- Active Maths games at home
- Virtual manipulatives virtual physical resources to help children understand maths, cubes, tens frames, number lines, bead strings, and many more!
English & Maths
Wider Curriculum
- Cosmic Kids Yoga
- Wow Science (Find activities link to your half term topics.)
- 500 Fun Artful Things for Kids
Practical ideas to support your child
Sharing books, reading with and to your child.
Visiting places of interest, talking to your child about them, and encouraging them to ask questions. Places you may choose to visit: the library, country parks and local nature reserves, museums, etc.
Making opportunities to play and work with others.
Opportunities to be creative.
To keep up to date with our learning journey don’t forget to follow us on X:
School Account: @PinehurstP
Elm Tree Account: @ElmTreeClass
Cherry Tree Account: @Mrs_kirby29
Please continue to share with us your tweets about your learning outside of school.
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Year 1: Cherry and Elm: Calendar items
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