Year 2: Fir and Yew 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Year 2
Miss Mitchell is our teacher in Fir Class.
Mrs Whitehead is our teacher in Yew Class.
Mrs Turner and Miss Stevens work with us in Year 2.
Life in Year 2:
The children in Year 2 are looking forward to another busy Spring Term in 2025.
Each day, we have a focused session on Reading, Writing, Maths and Phonics.
We also enjoy lots of opportunities to learn about Science, Computing, Spanish, History, Geography, RE, Art, DT, PE, and Music.
This half-term, both Yew and Fir classes will have PE on Monday afternoon.
Your child will need a yellow Pinehurst t-shirt, navy shorts/joggers, and a pair of pumps or trainers in school to take part.
Our Curriculum:
At Pinehurst Primary School we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that provides the children with opportunities to Experience, Excel and Enjoy.
We aim to foster a lifelong love of learning, through delivery of a twenty-first century education.
A cross-curricular approach to learning encourages the children to be independent, reflective learners and responsible citizens and through our website, Twitter (X) feed and Class Dojo pages, we work closely with our families to support children’s learning.
English and Maths skills that we will be developing in Year 2
We follow a quality text based approach to English. This year, we will be working on adjectives, inverted commas, apostrophes to show possession and general sentence formation. We will be writing instructions on various topics, which will include; commas in lists, adverbs of time, adjectives, conjunctions and general punctuation.
This half-term, our quality text is:
Leon and the Place Between
In Maths we will be exploring the following:
Numbers to 100
Addition and Subtraction
Multiplication of 2, 5 and 10
Multiplication and Division of 2, 5 and 10
2D Shape
3D Shape
The Wider Curriculum in Year 2:
This half-term our topics include:
Science - Animals including Humans
Geography - UK: Seasonal Changes, Oceans and Weather Diaries
Art - Painting: Jackson Pollock
PE - Athletics
Computing - Data Handling
RE - Places of Worship
PSHE - Dreams and Goals
Please see our Curriculum Newsletter at the bottom of the page for more information.
How can I help and support my child at school?
Please read with your child at home as much as you can and record their reading in the Home Reading Diary.
Reading books should be read at least three times before being returned to school to change for a new one.
Please ensure that your child brings their bookbag to school every day.
Homework in Year 2:
Homework will be set on a Friday to be returned by the following Wednesday. Your child will also be able to access their homework on Class Dojo.
Fir Tree Dojo link:
Please contact your child's class teacher if you are having difficulty accessing Class Dojo.
Key Websites your child can use to support their learning in Year 2:
Practical ideas to support your child:
Sharing books, reading with and to your child.
Visiting places of interest, talking to your child about them, and encouraging them to ask questions.
Places you may choose to visit: the library, country parks and local nature reserves, museums, etc.
Making opportunities to play and work with others.
Opportunities to be creative.
To keep up to date with our learning journey, don’t forget to follow us on X:
School account: @PinehurstP
Fir Tree account: @MissMitchell23
Yew Tree account: @PinehurstPYewY2
Please continue to share with us your tweets about your learning outside of school - we love seeing the amazing work our families do at home to support learning!