Key Priorities
Our Strategic School Improvement plan sets out our priorities for the year.
Key Priorities 2024-2025
Quality of Education
· Teaching and Learning is underpinned by strong pedagogy and supported by accurate assessment with impact seen through improved outcomes.
Personal Development
· Pupils are motivated to learn and give their best to school life, intrinsic motivation is fostered. Parental support is growing and they are increasingly involved in school life also.
Behaviour and Attitudes
· There is a positive and respectful school culture in which staff know and care about pupils. Restorative practice is embedded. · Pupils have high attendance. They come to school on time and are punctual to lessons. When this is not the case, the school takes appropriate, swift and effective action.
Leadership and Management
· Middle leaders drive forward positive change in the quality of education. There is clarity in systems, processes, policies and procedures. There is increased accountability at all levels.