Teaching Angles- Home Learning Guidance
In Year 3 children are expected to:
-recognise angles as a property of shape or a description of a turn
- identify right angles, recognise that two right angles make a half-turn, three make three quarters of a turn and four a complete turn
- identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle
Let's get started!
Angles are made when two straight lines meet. We would start this topic by looking at a selection of lines and discussing whether they make angles or not. Curved lines or lines that do not meet do not make angles. So for example in the sheet below the only images that form angles would be a, d and e. We would talk about why the other images do not make angles.
The next step would be to look for things in our environment that make angles. In this example below the mirror, the chopsticks and the rope do not make angles. What else can children see around the house that forms angles?
Some objects create more than one angle when their lines meet.
Look at the different (capital) letters of the alphabet. Which letters make no angles? Which letters have one angle? Which letters have more than one angle?
Types of Angles
The first type of angle children need to be able to spot is a right angle. In Year 3 we don't talk about the degrees of an angle- they just need to recognise that is a corner or L shaped angle. You can find right angles around the house using the corner of a piece of paper.
Right angles can come in any size or orientation. Even if they are upside down they are still a right angle if they are a perfect corner or L shape.
In the worksheet below images a, c and f make right angles. The corner of a piece of paper will fit perfectly inside them.
The other two types of angles we learn about in Year 3 are acute angles and obtuse angles.
Angles that are smaller than a right angle (like the L shape has been squashed) are called acute angles. We remember this by saying 'ahh cute!'.
Angles that are larger than a right angle- like a stretched L shape are called obtuse angles.
We would look for these different types of angles within shapes, letters and around the room.
a) acute
b) obtuse
c) obtuse
d) right angle
e) acute
f) obtuse
There are some fun videos available online all about angles:
As well as some online angles games: