Year 6: Birch and Willow 2023 - 2024

Welcome to Year 6

Mr Farrell is our teacher in Birch class.

Miss Fry is our teacher in Willow class.

Mrs Platt, Ms Garrett and Mrs Stephens work with us in Year 6.

In Year 6 at Pinehurst we Experience, Excel and Enjoy.

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Life in Year 6

The children in Year 6 are looking forward to a busy but exciting year of learning. 

We have a focused session on Reading, Writing, and Maths each day. We also enjoy lots of opportunities to learn about Science, Computing, Spanish, History, Geography, RE, PE, Art, DT and Music each week. 


Our PE day is Tuesday. Your  child will need to come in to school already dressed in their PE kit. This consists of a yellow Pinehurst t-shirt, navy shorts or jogging bottoms and a pair of black pumps or trainers.

This half term we will be swimming on a Thursday.


Our Curriculum 

At Pinehurst Primary School we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that provides the children with opportunities to Experience, Excel and Enjoy. We aim to foster a lifelong love of learning, through delivery of a twenty-first century education. A cross-curricular approach to learning encourages the children to make connections between all aspects of their learning and become independent, reflective learners and responsible citizens. 

English and Maths skills that we will be developing in Year 6:


In English this half term we will be reading The Island by Armin Greder as part of our Quality Text Based Approach.

Some of the skills we will be working on include:
Using a range of clauses to develop sentences (e.g. main, subordinate relative, phrases etc.)
Accurate use of a range of punctuation: brackets, hyphens, dashes, semicolons and colons.
Continuing to write for a range of purposes and audiences including fiction, non-fiction and poetry.
Maintaining a positive attitude to reading and a love of books
Participating in discussions and debates using reasoned justifications for their views.


Alongside daily basic skills sessions we will be starting looking at graphs and datal.

We will learn to:

Find the average of a group of numbers.

Read a variety of graphs including line graphs and pie charts.

Know how to represent data in different ways,

The Wider Curriculum in Year 6

This half-term our wider curriculum topics include:

Science: Light

Geography- The Ecology of the Earth

Computing- Computers: Past, present and future.


Please see our Curriculum newsletter at the bottom of this page for more information on what we will be stuying each half term. 

It will be a busy and fun filled year of learning!

How can I help and support my child at school? 

Homework in Year 6

Homework will be set each Friday via Class Dojo. This homework needs to be completed by the following Friday.

Completing homework is crucial in ensuring children have time to revisit and consolidate their learning at home. Children develop their skills and place a higher value on their education when they talk through their learning at home with family members. Completing homework also provides a great opportunity for children to practice what they have learned in a different, independent setting.  

Children will recieve one piece of English and Maths homework that will be based on the week's learning objectives as well as a wider curriculum task. Continual practise of times tables is also encouraged and children should endeavor to access Times Tables Rockstars regularly at home. 

Reading is encouraged daily and should be recorded in your child’s reading record book. This should be a mixture of your child's levelled reading book and any books, magazines or texts they'd like to read alongside. Reading diaries will be checked in school regularly and your child will also have lots of opportunities to read with their class teacher. 

Practical ideas to support your child 

  • Sharing books, reading with and to your child. 

  • Visiting places of interest, talking to your child about them, and encouraging them to ask questions. Places you may choose to visit: the library, country parks and local nature reserves, museums, etc. 

  • Making opportunities to play and work with others. 

  • Opportunities to be creative, solving puzzles and working on projects. 

Blended Learning

Please find below for useful resources and websites should your child have to learn from home.




If home learning is required please contact your child's teacher for log-in details, practical activity ideas and additional resources they may be able to offer. 


To keep up to date with our learning journey don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @PinehurstP and our class pages @missrfry and @MrFarrell20

Please continue to share with us your tweets about your learning outside of school. 

We thank you for your continued support at what is such an important time in your child's educational journey.

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